Monday, August 15, 2016

The flight begins...

The flight departed around 10:00 pm on July 29, 2016 and arrived in London at Heathrow Airport around 6:00 am. our time, but it was about 1:00 pm London time.

There were about 31 in our group of weary travelers. The plan was to find the hostel, and see some sights remaining awake until nighttime on July 30, so we would better adjust to the time difference.

After collecting our luggage we immediately made way for the tube station so we could find the hostel we would be staying for a few days, until Wed. August 3, and then we would leave London and travel to Scotland on a train and remain in Edinburgh for 10 days for the fringe festival.

I don't have any photos from the tube as we were busy hauling luggage around without sleeping all night on the plane so I had my hands full.

We're in the tubes back here. (quote from Mystery Science Theater 3000, the movie) 

Probably nothing worse for commuters than a bunch of loud sleep-deprived American tourists with big luggage trying to maneuver in the tubes during the busy day when it's very crowded. This photo is not our group, just a random internet photo showing the London tube stops when crowded.

After making many tube transfers we did manage to locate our hostel, I can't remember the address of the hostel at this time due to sleep deprivation.

If anyone can remember, please respond in the comments and we can fill it in here.